The Review Mirror

Welcome to the Review Mirror

This website is going to follow my reviews and essays as I look into the theoretical Re(ar)view mirror at a piece of media I am thinking about. The mirror serves as a means for me to improve my writing skill and expand my written work, but also as a way to catalogue my reviews or essays. I will have a general focus on writing about films or the film industry, but I hope to branch out and write about books or albums I feel inspired by. That being said, I am going to try and write these fairly quickly to practice having a speedy turnover rate in my writing. I know this is brief but who wants an unnecessarily wordy introduction? Thank you for looking into the review mirror with me, I hope you enjoy the ride!

Social Media

I rarely use any social media outside of Letterboxd but I might as well try and farm some followers.

Letterboxd: finnkanedom

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